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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Greetings !

We live in a house where more than just a few things have gone " BUMP ! " in the night.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`Hi -- I'm new to the Board and wanted to say hello!. What kind of things do you have happen?


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former member default image - bird flying away

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` Greetings ! We are not entirely sure what it is but it frightens the hell out of our border collie who will come and curl up behind me. I don't know if she can see it but like us she certainly hears it messing around in one of the bedrooms. It likes to taunt and mock me like when I watched the movie, "Devil ". At the part where the detective reds the suicide note from the jumper "I can hear the devils footsteps approaching ", then I hear footsteps in the house though I am the only one home. It moves things around like a poltergeist and follows us around sometimes outside of the house. I felt my wife was being threatened by something one night at a coffee house so waited until she got into her vehicle and followed in my own........ it was in the vehicle with her and started to play with her hair from the back seat which half frightened her to death. It also attacked my once at a friends house that I was looking after one night. I walked into the house at 10:00 PM into the kitchen and it was waiting in the garage. The door to the garage is in the kitchen which opened and it attacked me. It was a mild attack but I think it was trying to gauge my strength for a future attempt. It is a nasty piece of work what ever it is.

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April 7, 2012
Posts: 14

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`Have you ever considered having your house blessed or anything like that. I've been fortunate that nothing like that has happened to me or my family as of lately, we know more or less how to put those buggers in their place, and most of these spirits around here are nice and some are a tad bit annoying at times, especially when all I hear is them either walking around or whispering at 3 in the morning.

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